Great Bipolar Articles

     Wow!! Life has been so busy lately. It's incredible it's been over two months since I have added anything to the website. Alas, I must practice what I preach and do what I must and take care of myself first and foremost. That being said, the job is going well and I'm hoping to get back to a couple of interviews soon. In the meantime, go check out the solo videos I've posted recently about said life changes on YouTube!

    But, I have come across some great articles lately that I highly recommend! I would like to keep this pinned to the home page for easy access, but that will have to come at a later date! Lol, maybe someday I'll have the time/money to set up a real website! 

What We Get Wrong About Being Bipolar

By: Gabe Howard!! for Newsweek

I love Gabe and in this article, he challenges the way we discuss creativity and bipolar disorder. He reframes the discussion explaining our accomplishments and creativity are despite, not necessarily 'because of' bipolar disorder. Gabe is great!! 

Ketogenetic Diet and Bipolar Disorder - Stanford

Finally, my suspicions about my Mediterranean diet have been (somewhat) confirmed! I definitely recommend this article about food. 

1 of my 11 keys for more stability living with bipolar!

Move More, Sleep Better 

Um yup, see above. Another great article about the benefits of moving and how it relates to deeper sleep! 

And a bonus one about the benefits of sending social workers and counselors out for many emergency calls! 

Non-police first responders work and America needs more of them
